LD//I don't know what I'm talking about.

What do you think of "Learning Disabilities"?

Back during elementary how did you act toward the special few children who were struggling through the seemingly simple achievement tests? Did you talk about them and talk about how they possibly are mentally retarded? Did you act differently to them?
Were you possibly considered a LD student?
What about other disabilities?

It's fine to admit that you might have treated them differently.
It's fine since you didn't have any knowledge about learning disabilities.
Growing up and maturing  probably changed our views.
Hopefully you changed like I have.

The Learning Disabilities Association of Canada gave an official definition of Learning Disabilities (LD). Learning disabilities are the number of disorders that an individual may have that affects their acquisition, organization, retention, understanding and use of verbal or non-verbal information. Although it affects a person's ability to learn, the individual still has the average cognitive process like the rest of us.
Learning disabilities can be caused by genetics, neurobiological factors and injury. However factors such as social economics, cultural and sensory impairment can possibly complicate the disabilities even further.
LD is NOT mental retardation. But it's possible for people with mental retardation to have learning disabilities.

Although people with learning disabilities could show a lack of social skills and learning skills (depending on their severity), they are like you and me, except they have a few more struggles and walls to climb through their lives.
When you work with children, you must give your time to them to possibly prevent LDs from happening, such as ------>Teaching them to be literate and giving them strategies to help with learning.

          I want to try implementing more reading and writing when I work with children in the future, even though I only get to work with the groups once a month. I won't be able to change a thing or be able to help them like their parents and teachers, but attempting to incorporate more English literacy could be 0.001% beneficial.

HA! HA! Now who am I kidding here? I'm not that knowledgeable about this topic, it's possible that I might have mixed up my facts. But pretending I understand makes me feel like I've retained a smidgen of what I need to know for this course. By the way, would you care to hear more? Just kidding, I think you had enough.


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