
      Taking a not so well deserved break from studying, I decided that would blog. Having finals this month, along with the condensed study time I have for not studying at all during the summer I felt like I was going crazy. Drinking copious amount of tea has not helped with brain functioning at all, it does not stimulate my brain to be more energized to focus on my studies. I doubt coffee would do any better, the most it would probably do is put me into an induced zombie state.

      Honestly for the past week, I've been trying to work on my papers that are each worth 40 - 45 % of my overall mark in different courses and wasn't able to get past a maximum of 4 paragraphs for each paper. The attempt in getting writing help from my professors/tutors (whatever they're labelled as) has decreased my hopes on getting a average average average grade. They don't give you the information that you want. They are vague and give you the same instructions that the assignment manual gives. Nothing I've taken in educational institutes has prepared me for APA Emperical Research Papers, especially the one where I'm the main test subject. IB English and History claims to prepare you for paper writing and Lab Reports from first year of sciences claims to introduce you to the world of  research paper writing. Not true at all.

This has made me wonder if I should go back to an institute where the professors don't appear to be a figment of my imagination.


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