Mountain View Music Festival 2011
I went to one amazing Music Festival at Carstairs yesterday. You can't imagine how relaxing it was to hang out with my lovely Amy out of town in a little town by Disbury. I didn't spend a second thinking about DVBS and problem children.
See what we're doing here? We're advertising amazing dry soda from Seattle. Less Sugar. Different flavours (fave: rhubarb & lemongrass). So good!
I ate. I drank. I laughed. I danced a jig.
I tried my first Big Rock Dry Cider. It tasted like champange. I tried samples of cinnamon, traditional and berry mead. I ended up enjoying the cinnamon mead the best, no surprises there.
Did you know that in small towns they don't really check for your age? Amy and I walked into the beer garden to grab our ciders without pulling out our ID. The bartender only pretended to check but it was all laughs and games as the police were there "patrolling".
Did you know that in small towns they don't really check for your age? Amy and I walked into the beer garden to grab our ciders without pulling out our ID. The bartender only pretended to check but it was all laughs and games as the police were there "patrolling".
We took a break from the main venue and strolled over to a Church for more music. A guy from Tennessee strummed on his good ole' guitar with a member of the Polyjesters while we played with a pup at the door of the Church.
Good stuff.
Did you know that the box for Gillette's Cream of Tartar hasn't changed in decades? True fact. I saw it with my own eyes in the mini Carstairs Museum attached to the church.
And you know what else I saw? The floating jelly fish/flowers from the AVATAR movie. Check this out.
You know what everyone should do with the white plastic chairs at Canadian Tire? This. Try it. Do it. I dare you to.
Here are a few more photos of our day. The food. The loot. The fun.
The veggies were grown by the organizer's mother. Fresh and sweet.
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