Cornmeal Chive Waffles

To be honest, I set my brother's birthday reminder on my phone to the wrong date and he found out.
My future career has not even been figured out.
I'm ecstatic that my mother finished reading her first English novel. The Hunger Games. Movie time!
I don't know what to wear for the gala on Saturday nor do I have a dress and a mask.
But really, I honestly do enjoy having breakfast for dinner sometimes.

Cereal, oatmeal, toast, french toast, omelettes, pancakes, waffles... the list continues.

Cornmeal waffles are such a change from the usual breakfast menu. It's savoury... which saves us from the syrup coma that some of us get with the usual breakfast foods.
From the first bite, the aroma of butter mixed with the herbs satisfied my growling stomach. If you wanted to ask if salsa or the fried egg could be omitted, fried egg - yes, salsa - NO.
I don't know how to explain it but eating the waffles with salsa made such a significant difference.

I didn't do a thing different from the recipe so here's the link. Oh Joy, you are just so amazing, your blog is always oh so fantastic!


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